We do not EVER recommend buying a Michael Jackson autograph until you first get an expert opinion. Unfortunately in our experience, 9 out of 10 autographs online for sale now are either secretarial or fake. Additionally, many of the top autograph authentication companies will charge you over $100 to mail in your signed item for full certification. But often times all you will get back is a letter saying that they were unable to authenticate.
Before you spend all that money, why not first get a Quick Opinion from the experts at MJ Market. We can let you know if the signature you have in your collection is authentic or help you avoid possibly buying something fake and wasting much more money.
We have over 40 years experience collecting and examining Michael Jackson’s signature. We would now like to share that expertise with the fan community. Both have extensive Michael Jackson collections with multiple signed items.
Over the years, they have examined thousands of Michael Jackson signatures and feel confident with their assessments and research.
For a $7 fee MJ Market will provide a Quick Opinion on your signed item of interest. We will let you know if it’s Likely Genuine or Not Likely Genuine. If for some reason, there is a problem and we are unable to determine, we will provide you with a full refund.
Just add this now to your shopping cart and after you check out email your photo(s) or the URL(s) to [email protected]
You may submit up to 5 signatures at a time.
You will receive an email response back from us in under 24 hours.