MJ Market is excited to announce that we are sponsoring our first ever pop-up event in Hollywood this year on October 11-13 from 12-6 PM. Stop by ‘As The Record Turns’ one of the best record shops in LA to check out Michael Jackson memorabilia on display from the award-winning collection of Jonathan Downie and shop for records including some rare MJ acetates! The shop is conveniently located on Hollywood Blvd only 2 blocks from Michael Jackson’s Walk of Fame Star.
As The Record Turns, in the heart of the entertainment industry in Hollywood, is a store selling rare & collectible vinyl records dedicated to those in the industry as well as the true collector. If you are looking for that certain original record, this is the place for you! For over the past three decades, owner Kevin Donan has provided original vinyl records & album covers for thousands of movies, television shows, CD & vinyl reissues. Kevin will have lots of stories to share about his many industry friends connected to Michael Jackson including that time he interviewed Katherine at Havenhurst and when he was asked to find original vinyl releases for MJJ Productions. Over the years Kevin has provided his services to likes of Quincy Jones, Berry Gordy and Motown, John Landis and he was also the personal music archivist to James Brown for over 20 years. It will be an afternoon full of great stories and music for all Michael Jackson fans. Definitely stop by before or after Kingvention if you will be in town!! It’s Hollywood so you never know who else might stop by…